Infant Audiology QI Action Kit

Presented by: Elizabeth Seeliger and Amanda Norton
When: Thursday, November 17, 2016 | 2:00 pm EST/ 1:00 pm CT/ 12:00 pm MT/ 11:00 am PT
Where: Adobe Connect
Are you a State EHDI Coordinator who would like to see improved audiologic care for families and timely data reporting to the EHDI Program? Come learn how you can use the new interactive, web-based Infant Audiology QI Action Kit. To help EHDI programs reduce loss to follow-up, between 2006-2013 the Federal MCHB and the National Center for Hearing Assessment and management (NCHAM) supported the participation of states and territories in QI Learning Collaboratives that were organized and supported by the National Initiative for Children's Health Quality (NICHQ). The Infant Audiology QI Action Kit grew out of the experiences and tools developed from the State EHDI QI Learning Collaboratives and their engagement with audiology partners. Currently, approximately 98% of newborns in the United States are screened for hearing loss at birth, but 35% of those that do not pass the screen lack a documented diagnosis. Prior to the collaboratives, professionals reported concentrating on improving their own service, but had little opportunity to improve the connections between the services. Parents perceived an EHDI system of disconnected parts, with limited communication between providers. The collaboratives identified QI processes and activities that eliminated waste, improved flow, and standardized care across the EHDI continuum. The Infant Audiology Action Kit is designed to assist EHDI Programs and audiology practices in identifying opportunities to improve the care they provide to infants and families. The Action Kit lists targeted improvement areas that promote the provision of high quality of care, encourage information sharing between providers, and highlight effective communication with families. Testing and implementing the activities in the action kit have been linked to improved organizational processes and improved outcomes for families.
Elizabeth has worked as a clinical audiologist in a variety of settings, helping to guide children and families through the process of diagnosis and intervention of hearing loss. As the Wisconsin Sound Beginnings (WSB) Program Director Elizabeth has played a leadership role in the development of a data, tracking and referral system, developed educational resources for hospitals, providers and an interactive notebook for parents. Elizabeth has also spearheaded the development of the websites and has provided technical assistance and consultation locally and internationally on quality improvement in EHDI systems. Elizabeth currently sits on the board of directors for the WI Chapter of Families for Hands & Voices and Hands & Voices HQ.
Amanda Norton serves as the Quality Improvement Advisor for the American Academy of Pediatrics Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program Quality Improvement Project.