Last Modified: 10/30/2024
Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC 2020)
New Features coming soon!
- 3 separate curriculums: OAE only, A-ABR only and combined OAE/A-ABR
- New NHSTC for community partners conducting out-of-hospital newborn hearing screening
- Enhanced website accessibility/508 compliant
The NHSTC will continue to be available at no charge until March 31, 2025. Beginning April 1, 2025, the cost will be $50 per person for the curriculum and $25 for re-certification.
Further details to come...

The NHSTC is a competency-based course designed to provide the learner with a thorough understanding of the components necessary for conducting quality newborn hearing screening. The recommended practices throughout the course are based on the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) 2019 Position Statement. By taking the course, screeners and stakeholders will have the necessary foundation to do a thorough job and feel confident in their role.
The NHSTC is self-paced in that participants can learn at their own pace. Those who complete all required elements of the course are eligible for a Certificate of Completion provided by the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM) and if eligible, continuing education credits provided by The American Academy of Audiology (AAA) and the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP).
Currently, there is no charge for the course but beginning April 1, 2025, there will be a cost of $50 per person for the curriculum and $25 per person for the recertification test for expenses associated with ongoing improvements and maintenance.
Accompanying this course is the new NHSTC “Competency Checklist” which is a tool to observe, assess, document and track screening staffs' procedural competencies as outlined in the Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC). For optimal training outcomes, we recommend all screeners complete the NHSTC as well as demonstrate "hands-on" competencies screening babies with the specific screening equipment used in their facility. It is recommended that the trainee shadow a competent screener until all competencies on the checklist are accomplished and readiness to screen independently is verified. It can also be used to identify areas where further training and support is needed. Click here to obtain the checklist [PDF].
Screening equipment used throughout the NHSTC is for the purpose of assisting the learner through demonstration. NCHAM and the NHSTC do not endorse the use of any specific type of equipment.
NHSTC Non-Certificate Version
If you are not interested in earning a Certificate of Completion and/or CEUs/ CE Contact Hours, you can watch the course online for no cost until March 31, 2025.
Technical Requirements
This course requires Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer version 9 or higher, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Users must have cookies enabled and popups allowed.
NHSTC, Certificate Version
To Earn a Certificate of Completion, CEUs, and/ or NAPNAP CE Contact Hours
- Create a user account for the Moodle Learning Management System.
- There are 3 main parts to the course. Part 1: the Pre-test, Part 2: the curriculum, Part 3: the Post-test. All 3 parts MUST be completed in their entirety with a passing score of 80% or higher on the Post-test to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion and continuing education credits. Further information on CE/CEUs is below.
- Once you have completed the post-test with an 80% or higher, please fill out a Certificate of Completion Request form. If you have questions or do not receive your certificate, please contact the NCHAM Help Desk.
- Please note that after you complete the NHSTC course, you will be given 3 opportunities to take the postest in order to pass the course. Further attempts will not be provided. After one year, you will be eligible to retake the course.
CEU/ CE Information
American Academy of Audiology (AAA) CEUs are available for this course, 3 hours (.3 CEUs). This course is Beginner level.
In order to receive CEUs the entire course must be completed and the exam passed with a score of 80% or better. Participant CEU information will be submitted to AAA four times: March 31st, June 30th, October 31st, and December 31st. To register for AAA CEUs please complete the AAA CEU Request Form within Moodle—you will need your AAA ID number.

Utah State University is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of .3 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology.
If you have questions about AAA CEUs, please contact Randi Winston-Gerson.
NAPNAP CE Contact Hours Available
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) CE Contact Hours are available for this course, 3 hours. This course is Beginner level.
In order to receive CE Contact Hours the entire course must be completed and the exam passed with a score of 80% or better.